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> 참여광장 > 자유게시판
제목 파키스탄 생산업체
작성일 08-01-26 18:48 조회수 7,974

Many USA and EU buyer's are working with Pakistani garments companies..Some cities of North side of Pakistan have little problems otherwise Lahore is safest one and mostly Knitting woven factories are located in Punjab(Lahore,Faislabad,Sialkot)..Bangladesh have too much political problem..we shifted our order's from Bangladesh to Pakistan and now in Bangladesh is big problem Bird Flow..so pakistan is more safe for any customer..

이전글 다음글 목록
  1. 회원가입
  2. 신청지원
  3. 일감정보
  4. 캐주얼갤러리
  5. 지재권
  6. 통상(FTA)